⭐️ Based on the color top you choose, will determine if the design is black or white.
- White/Gray tops will have a black design
- Black top will have the white design
- Red top will have white design
- Heather Red will have black design
⭐️ PLEASE NOTE: Heather Red ONLY comes in the tshirt
⭐️ All shirts are made to order. I'm going to try and get these done by the first game. Business days DO NOT include weekends or Holidays
⭐️ SWEATER/HOODIE SIZING: I typically wear a medium (38DD) (+/- 1.5")
🖤 S - 20"
🖤 M - 22"
🖤 L - 24"
🖤 XL - 26"
🖤 2XL - 28"
🖤 3XL - 30"
🖤 4XL - 32" (Please note that not all brands carry this size. This brand may differ from the brands listed in the description)
⭐️ SHIRT CARE: To keep your shirt looking new. I recommend washing in cold water inside out and either hanging to dry or tumble dry
⭐️ APPAREL: All ite are made by premium brands: Champion, LAT, Next Level, Bella + Canvas, or Premium Gildan (Not the scratchy kind). Depending on which one is in stock at the time. ALL TOPS ARE UNISEX SIZING.
⭐️ Because my shirts are made to order I do not accept refunds. If there is a problem with your order please reach out to me!
⭐️ Keep in mind designs may appear brighter on phones and computer screens.
Thank you for stopping by my shop! 🖤